Share option scheme

 The group currently has the 2001 and 2003 schemes and the 2006 share plan that are still active. The objective of these schemes is to recognise the contributions of senior staff to the value added to the group's financial position and performance and to retain key employees.
  Options granted under the 2001 and 2003 schemes
 Refer to note 34 of the group financial statements for the information relating to the 2001 and 2003 schemes. The following information relates specifically to the company.
 Number of share options relating to the 2001 and 2003Number of shares
 option scheme20102009
 Share options granted19 298 71919 298 719
 Exercised13 413 39213 091 469
 Vested but not exercised1 498 6661 234 321
 Unvested602 667
 Forfeited and lapsed4 386 6614 370 262
 Vesting periods of unvested options granted:  
 Within one year602 667
 Total number of unvested shares602 667
 No options were granted in the 2009 and 2010 financial years for the 2001 and 2003 option schemes.
  Activity on share options granted but not yet exercisedNumber
(SA rand)
 For the year ended 30 June 2010  
 Balance at beginning of year1 836 98747.54
 Options exercised(321 922)44.55
 Options forfeited and lapsed(16 399)44.09
 Balance at end of year1 498 66648.22
 For the year ended 30 June 2009  
 Balance at beginning of year2 410 62949.34
 Options exercised(948 444)50.53
 Options forfeited and lapsed(108 551)57.10
 Intercompany transfer of employees483 353 
 Balance at end of year1 836 98747.54
 List of options granted but not yet exercised
(listed by granted date)
30 June
(SA rand)
 24 April 200117 00036.500.8
 20 November 2001146 70149.601.4
 23 September 200266.002.2
 27 March 200332 90091.602.7
 10 August 2004389 51966.154.1
 26 April 2005912 54639.004.8
 Total options granted but not yet exercised1 498 666  
  Number of shares
 List of options granted but not yet vested (listed by grant date)20102009
 10 August 2004199 556
 26 April 2005403 111
 Total options granted but not yet vested602 667
  SA rand
Figures in  million20102009
 Average market value of share options traded during the year2549
 Average fair value of share options vested during the year2875
 Share-based cost recognised11
 Options granted under the 2006 share plan  
 Refer to note 34 of the group financial statements for the information relating to the 2006 share plan, the following information relates specifically to the company.  
 Number of shares
Number of shares relating to the 2006 share plan20102009
 Shares granted6 698 7644 978 099
 Vested86 681
 Performance shares
 Share appreciation rights86 681
 Unvested5 776 4044 536 526
 Performance shares2 231 2022 012 382
 Share appreciation rights3 545 2022 524 144
 Shares forfeited835 679441 573
 Performance shares450 105207 711
 Share appreciation rights385 574233 862
 Number of shares
Number of shares relating to the 2006 share plan20102009
 Vesting periods of shares granted:  
 Within one year959 767292 704
 One to two years2 075 359984 755
 Two to three years1 588 6822 140 230
 Three to four years751 042753 272
 Four to five years401 554365 565
 Total number of unvested shares5 776 4044 536 526
 Activity on PS and SARs granted but not yet exercisedNumber of
(SA rand)
Number of
(SA rand)
 For the year ended 30 June 2010    
 Balance at beginning of year4 536 526 2 237 522 
 Performance shares2 012 382n/a737 523n/a
 Share appreciation rights2 524 14478.681 499 99979.46
 Options granted1 720 665 2 426 727 
 Performance shares461 214n/a1 316 659n/a
 Share appreciation rights1 259 45177.281 110 06877.81
 Options lapsed(394 106) (184 342) 
 Performance shares(242 394)n/a(75 823)n/a
 Share appreciation rights(151 712)79.40(108 519)80.34
 Options vested(86 681)  
 Performance sharesn/a 
 Share appreciation rights(86 681)112.64
 Intercompany transfers of employees 56 619 
 Performance shares 34 023 
 Share appreciation rights 22 596 
 Balance at end of year5 776 404 4 536 526 
 Performance shares2 231 202n/a2 012 382n/a
 Share appreciation rights3 545 20277.322 524 14478.68
 List of shares granted but not yet exercised (listed by granted date)At
30 June

(SA rand)

 Performance shares   
 15 November 2007489 634n/a0.4
 7 March 200812 308n/a0.7
 5 December 20081 268 046n/a1.4
 16 November 2009461 214n/a2.4
 Share appreciation rights   
 15 November 2006162 801112.642.4
 15 November 20071 083 12070.543.4
 7 March 200846 154102.003.7
 5 December 20081 048 46577.814.4
 16 November 20091 204 66277.285.4
 Total options granted but not yet exercised5 776 404  
 None of the vested share options for the 2006 share plan have been exercised yet.