SA rand  US dollar
20092010Figures in million20102009



283205 Gold in lock-up2737
332526 Gold in process, ore stockpiles and bullion on hand6843
420477 Stores and materials at weighted average cost6354
1 0351 208 Total inventories158134
(214) Non-current portion of gold in lock-up and gold in-process(28)
1 035994  130134
(7) Net reclassification to held for sale(1)
1 035987 Total current portion of inventories129134
   Included in the balance above is:  
231205 Inventory valued at net realisable value2730
   During the year, the group acquired a waste rock dump valued at R20 million (US$2.7 million) and a gold plant containing gold in lock-up valued at R100 million (US$13.3 million) from Pamodzi FS, which have been included in the cost of inventory.  
   During the year, R29 million (US$3.9 million) (2009: R5 million (US$0.6 million)) was provided for slow moving stock. The total provision at 30 June 2010 was R57 million (US$7.5 million) (2009: R28 million (US$3.6 million)).