SA rand
Figures in million20102009



 Gold in lock-up25
 Gold in-process and bullion on hand10617
 Stores and materials at weighted average cost142147
 Total inventories273164
 Non-current portion of gold in lock-up and gold in-process(53)
 Total current portion of inventories220164
 Included in the balance above is:  
 Inventories valued at net realisable value:25
 During the year the company acquired a gold plant containing gold in lock-up valued at R100  million from Pamodzi FS, which has been included in the cost of inventory. Refer to note 8.  
 During the year, R2  million (2009: R2  million) was reversed against the slow moving stock provision. The total provision at 30 June 2010 was R10  million (2009: R12  million).