SA rand
 Figures in  million20102009


Other reserves

 Other reserves comprises of:  
 Fair value movement of available-for-sale financial assets (a)4
 Repurchase of equity interest (b)3
 Equity component of convertible bond (c)277277
 Share-based payments (d)186148
 Total other reserves470425
 Fair value movement of available-for-sale financial assets  
 Fair value movement – unrealised10
 Realised portion reclassified through profit or loss(6)
 Balance at end of year4
 Repurchase of equity interest  
 Equity reserve on issue of shares154
 Shares issued(151)
 Balance at end of year3
 Equity component of convertible bond  
 Balance at beginning and end of year277277
 Share-based payments  
 At the beginning of the year148126
 Share-based payments expensed3822
 Balance at end of year186148
 (a)The balance of the fair value movement reserve represents the movement in the fair value of the available-for-sale financial assets. Refer to note 12 for details regarding the realised portion reclassified to profit or loss.  
 (b)The sale of 26% of the AVRD mining titles resulted in a R3  million repurchase of a call option (equity interest) by the company. Refer to note 15.  
 (c)Equity component of bond. Refer to note 26(c) of the group financial statements.  
 (d)Share-based payments. Refer to note 26(e) in the group financial statements