SA rand   US dollar
20092010Figures in million20102009


Trade and other receivables

   Financial assets:  
251337 Trade receivables (gold)4433
259227 Other trade receivables (a)3034
(112)(96) Provision for impairment(13)(15)
398468 Trade receivables – net6152
11240 Loans to associates and joint ventures (b)515
8589 Interest and other receivables (c)1211
2015 Employee receivables22
354 Insurance claims receivable (d)7
   Non-financial assets:  
7465 Prepayments910
193201 Value added tax2625
885932 Total current trade and other receivables122115
   Financial assets:  
182179 Loans to associates (e)2324
1812 Other loans receivable22
(125)(116) Provision for impairment (f)(15)(16)
7575 Total non-current trade and other receivables1010
    (a)Included in other trade receivables is an amount of R6 million (US$0.7 million) (2009: R70 million (US$9.1 million)) owed by Rand Uranium.  
    (b)An amount of R40 million (US$5 million) (2009: R37 million (US$4.8 million)) is due from Rand Uranium for services and goods supplied in terms of the service level agreements entered into between the group and Rand Uranium. Also included in 2009 is an amount of R75 million (US$9.7 million) receivable by Harmony’s Australian operations, from Newcrest for their portion of the loan to the MMJV companies.  
    (c)Included in interest and other receivables is an amount of R17 million (US$2.2 million) owing by Pamodzi FS in terms of the asset purchase agreements, for rehabilitation trust funds to be released to the group.  
    (d)The insurance claim receivable of R54 million (US$7.1 million) relates to damage caused by an underground fire at the Bambanani operation. The claim was settled subsequent to the 2010 financial year end.  
    (e)Included in the balance for 2010 is a loan of R63 million (US$8.3 million) (2009: R66 million (US$8.5 million)) to Rand Uranium. The loan bears interest at a three-month JIBAR plus 250 basis points and is repayable on 21 November 2015. The loan has been subordinated. Also included in this balance is a loan of R116 million (US$15.2 million), (2009: R116 million (US$15.0 million)) owed by Pamodzi. The loan bore interest at prime rate until March 2009 when Pamodzi was placed into liquidation. Harmony is a concurrent creditor in the Pamodzi Orkney liquidation.  
    (f)Included in this balance is the amount of R116 million (US$15.2 million), (2009: R116 million (US$15.0 million)) relating to the loan owed by Pamodzi. In 2009, an amount of R9 million (US$1.1 million) relating to the loan owed by Ubuntu included in other loans receivable, was also provided for and subsequently written off during the 2010 financial year. Interest of R13 million (US$1.5 million) was charged on these loans in the 2009 financial year. No interest was charged in 2010.  
   The movement in the provision for impairment of trade receivables during the year was as follows:  
132112 Balance at beginning of year1517
3613 Provision for impairment of receivables24
(53)(29) Unused amounts reversed(4)(6)
(3) Receivables written off during the year
11296 Balance at end of year1315
   The movement in the provision for impairment of loans receivables during the year was as follows:  
15125 Balance at beginning of year162
117 Provision for impairments of loans13
(7)(9) Loans written off during the year(1)(1)
125116 Balance at end of year1516
   The ageing of trade receivables at the reporting date was:  
ImpairmentGross  GrossImpairment
   30 June 2010  
418 Fully performing55
21 Past due by 1 to 30 days3
17 Past due by 31 to 60 days2
7 Past due by 61 to 90 days1
2727 Past due by more than 90 days44
6974 Past due by more than 361 days99
96564   7413
ImpairmentGross   GrossImpairment
   30 June 2009  
268 Fully performing35
106 Past due by 1 to 30 days14
8 Past due by 31 to 60 days1
6 Past due by 61 to 90 days1
3949 Past due by more than 90 days76
7373 Past due by more than 361 days99
112510   6715
   The ageing of loans receivable at the reporting date was:  
ImpairmentGross   GrossImpairment
   30 June 2010  
75 Fully performing10
 Past due by 1 to 30 days
 Past due by 31 to 60 days
 Past due by 61 to 90 days
 Past due by more than 90 days
116116 Past due by more than 361 days1515
116191   2515
ImpairmentGross   GrossImpairment
   30 June 2009  
75 Fully performing10
 Past due by 1 to 30 days
 Past due by 31 to 60 days
 Past due by 61 to 90 days
1414 Past due by more than 90 days22
111111 Past due by more than 361 days1414
125200   2616
   Based on past experience, the group believes that no impairment allowance is necessary in respect of fully performing receivables as the amount relates to customers that have a good track record with the group. Similarly, the other loans and receivables noted above, other than those provided for, are fully performing and considered to be a low credit risk.  
   During the 2008 financial year, the balance of R50 million (US$6 million) due from Ogoerion Construction CC for the purchase of the Deelkraal surface assets was impaired. In the 2009 financial year, the deal was renegotiated and the Deelkraal plant was excluded from the transaction. The purchase price was revised and as a result, the balance due and the related provision for impairment of trade receivables was reversed.  
   During the year 2010 and 2009 financial years there was no renegotiation of the terms of any receivable, other than as discussed above.  
   As at 30 June 2010 and 30 June 2009 financial years, there was no collateral pledged or held for any of the receivables.