Share option scheme

 The group currently has the 2001, 2003 schemes and the 2006 share plan that are active. The objective of these schemes is to recognise the contributions of senior staff to the group's financial position and performance and to retain key employees.
 The options granted under the 2001 and 2003 schemes
 A fifth of the options granted under the 2001 and 2003 schemes are exercisable annually from grant date with an expiry date of 10 years from the grant date. The offer price of these options equaled the closing market price of the underlying shares on the trading date immediately preceding the granting of the options.
 On resignation and retirement, share options which have not yet vested will lapse and share options which have vested may be taken up at the employee's election before the last day of service. Payment of shares forfeited will therefore not be required. On death, all options vest immediately and the deceased estate has a period of twelve months to exercise these options.
 Following the introduction of the 2006 share plan, no further options are expected to be allocated under these two schemes.
    Number of share options relating to the 2001 and 2003 option schemes20102009
 Share options granted28 442 42028 442 420
 Exercised19 133 88718 570 971
 Vested but not exercised2 264 5851 791 215
 Unvested1 059 343
 Forfeited and lapsed7 043 9487 020 891
 Vesting periods of unvested shares  
 Within one year1 059 343
 Total number of shares unvested1 059 343
 Activity on share options granted but not yet exercisedSharesWeight
(SA rand)

For the year ended 30 June 2010

 Balance at beginning of year2 850 55847.58
 Options exercised(562 916)44.16
 Options forfeited and lapsed(23 057)43.75
 Balance at end of year2 264 58548.47

For the year ended 30 June  2009

 Balance at beginning of year 4 528 23949.14
 Options exercised (1 321 303)51.42
 Options forfeited and lapsed(356 378) 53.12
 Balance at end of year2 850 558 47.58
  The details pertaining to share options issued and exercised by directors during the year are disclosed in the Directors' report.
 List of options granted but not yet exercised (listed by grant date) 2010As at
30 June
(SA rand)
 24 April 200117 00036.500.8
 20 November 2001167 90149.601.4
 23 September 200266.002.2
 27 March 2003125 30091.602.7
 10 August 2004482 96766.154.1
 26 April 20051 471 41739.004.8
 Total option granted but not yet exercised2 264 585  
 The number of shares held by the Harmony Share Trust at year end amounted to 63 500 (2009: 63 500). This trust is considered to be an SPE and is therefore consolidated in accordance with the group's accounting policies.
   List of options granted but not yet vested (listed by grant date)20102009
 10 August 2004316 498
 26 April 2005742 845
 Total options granted but not yet vested1 059 343
   SA rand US dollar
 20092010Figures in million20102009
 10244Average market price options traded during the year611
 12861Average fair value of share options vested during the year814
 63Share-based cost recognised1
 Option allocation
 10 August 200426 April 2005
The share-based cost is calculated using the binominal valuation model based on the following assumptions at grant date:   
Price at date of grant (SA rand per share)66.1539.00
Risk-free interest rate:9.9%8.4%
Expected volatility:40.0%35.0%
Expected dividend yield:0.0%0.0%
Vesting period:5 years5 years

Share-based payments are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments at the date of the grant. The cost is expensed over the vesting period, based on the group’s estimate of the options that are expected to eventually vest.

The only vesting conditions for the 2001 and 2003 schemes is that the employees should be in the employment of the group.

The volatility measured at the standard deviation of expected share price returns were based on statistical analysis of daily share prices over the last three years before grant date.

The shares granted under the 2006 share plan

The 2006 share plan consist of both performance shares (PS) and share appreciation rights (SARs). The PS will vest after three years from the grant date, if and to the extent that performance conditions have been satisfied. The SARs will vest in equal thirds in year 3, 4 and 5 after grant date, subject to the performance conditions having been satisfied. The SARs have an expiry date of six years from the grant date and the offer price equals the closing market price of the underlying shares on the trading date immediately preceding the grant.

The aggregate number of shares which may be allocated to the share plan on any day, when added to the total number of unexercised SARs, unvested performance shares, and restricted shares which have been allocated for SARs and PS, and any other employee share scheme operating by the company,shall not exceed 14% of the number of issued ordinary shares of the company from time to time. On 30 June 2010, 4 361 937 PS and 7 992 023 SARS (2009: 3 718 127 PS 284 500 SARs) had been allocated to participating employees.

Termination of employees participation in the share plan is based on "No Fault" and "Fault" definitions.

In the case of SARs, if employment is terminated for No Fault reasons, then the value of the appreciation in all unvested and unexercised SARs is settled in shares or cash at the option of the employer as at the date of termination of employment, after the deduction of any tax payable.The employer has no past practice of settling in cash.

In the case of performance shares, if employment is terminated for No Fault reasons, then

In either case,if employment is terminated for Fault reasons,all unvested and un-exercised SARs and all PS not yet vested are lapsed and cancelled.

   Number of shares relating to the 2006 share plan at 30 June20102009
 Shares granted12 353 9609 002 627
 Vested185 473
 Performance shares
 Share appreciation rights185 473
 Unvested10 082 5127 854 749
 Performance shares3 492 4023 302 163
 Share appreciation rights6 590 1104 552 586
 Shares forfeited2 085 9751 147 878
 Performance shares869 536415 964
 Share appreciation rights1 216 439731 914
 Vesting periods of unvested shares:  
 Within one year1 550 416503 589
 One to two years3 463 4961 651 892
 Two to three years2 728 3303 675 954
 Three to four years1 492 5981 329 960
 Four to five years847 672693 354
 Total number of unvested shares10 082 5127 854 749
   For the year ended 30 June2010 2009
(SA rand)
Shares Weighted
(SA rand)
 Balance at beginning of year7 854 749 4 236 938 
 Performance shares3 302 164n/a1 341 444n/a
 Share appreciation rights4 552 58579.382 895 49481.04
 Options granted3 351 333 4 325 907 
 Performance shares643 810n/a2 206 026n/a
 Share appreciation rights2 707 52377.282 119 88177.81
 Options lapsed(938 097) (708 096) 
 Performance shares(453 572)n/a(245 306)n/a
 Share appreciation rights(484 525)78.54(462 790)92.79
 Options vested(185 473)  
 Performance sharesn/a
 Share appreciation rights(185 473)112.64
 Balance at end of year10 082 512 7 854 749 
 Performance shares3 492 402n/a3 302 164n/a
 Share appreciation rights6 590 11077.654 552 58579.38
 List of shares granted but not yet exercised (listed by grant date) As at
30 June
(SA rand)
 Performance shares   
 15 November 2007777 910n/a0.40
 7 March 200812 308n/a0.70
 5 December 20082 058 372n/a1.40
 15 November 2009643 810n/a2.40
 Share appreciation rights   
 15 November 2006336 552112.642.38
 15 November 20071 729 61170.543.38
 7 March 200846 154102.003.69
 5 December 20081 934 78077.814.44
 16 November 20092 543 01577.285.40
 Total options granted but not yet exercised10 082 512  
   SA rand US dollar
 20092010Figures in million20102009
 21Average fair value of share options vested3
 107146Share-based cost recognised1912
 The share-based cost is calculated using the Monte Carlo simulation on the market-linked PS and Black-Scholes on the SARs. For the 2009 PS allocation the group linked 50% of the share allocation to market conditions and the remaining 50% to non-market internal conditions. The following assumptions were applied at grant date:
 Price at date of grant (SA rand per share)  
 15 November 2006 share allocationn/a112.64
 15 November 2007 share allocation (valuation date 21 December 2007)n/a68.44
 15 November 2007 share allocation (valuation date 21 April 2008)n/a92.25
 7 March 2008 share allocationn/a102.00
 5 December 2008 share allocation (valuation date 5 December 2008)n/a77.81
 5 December 2008 share allocation (valuation date 16 February 2009)n/a116.90
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 27 November 2009)n/a81.50
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 23 December 2009)n/a75.60
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 3 May 2010)n/a72.14
 Risk-free interest rate:  
 15 November 2006 share allocation9.58%8.79%
 15 November 2007 share allocation (valuation date 21 December 2007)10.81%9.84%
 15 November 2007 share allocation (valuation date 21 April 2008)11.71%10.68%
 7 March 2008 share allocation11.04%10.44%
 5 December 2008 share allocation (valuation date 5 December 2008)8.55%8.43%
 5 December 2008 share allocation (valuation date 16 February 2009)8.18%8.30%
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 27 November 2009)0.00%8.63%
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 23 December 2009)0.00%8.57%
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 3 May 2010)7.29%0.00%
 Expected volatility*:  
 15 November 2006 share allocation34.71%26.37%
 15 November 2007 share allocation (valuation date 21 December 2007)46.32%35.10%
 15 November 2007 share allocation (valuation date 21 April 2008)49.52%41.72%
 7 March 2008 share allocation50.49%54.50%
 5 December 2008 share allocation (valuation date 5 December 2008)56.62%48.61%
 5 December 2008 share allocation (valuation date 16 February 2009)70.86%49.03%
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 27 November 2009)49.29%
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 23 December 2009)49.21%
 16 November 2009 share allocation (valuation date 3 May 2010)37.34%
 Expected dividend yield:  
 for all allocations0.00%0.00%
 Vesting period (from grant date):  
 for all allocations3 years5 years
 *The volatility is measured as an annualised standard deviation of historical share price returns, using an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) model, with a lambda of 0.99. The volatility is calculated on the grant date, and takes into account the previous three years of historical data.
 Share-based costs are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments at the date of the grant as defined in IFRS 2. The grant date is the date at which the entity and counterparty have a shared understanding of the terms and conditions of the share-based payment arrangement. The cost is expensed over the vesting period, based on the group's estimate of the options that are expected to eventually vest, within the rules of IFRS 2.
 For 15 November 2006, 15 November 2007 and 7 March 2008 issue:   
 The performance criteria imposed by the board and which must be satisfied before settlement of any PS under these awards are linked to the company's TSR in comparison to the Philadelphia XAU index of international gold and precious metal mining companies (50%) and the JSE Gold Mining index (50%).
 The following performance criteria were imposed per the Harmony (2006) Share Plan and must be satisfied before the settlement of any SARs
  • that the company's headline earnings per share have grown since the allocation date by a minimum of CPI plus 3%;
  • that the company's performance has since the allocation date been a satisfactory achievement in terms of the company's sustainability index.
 For 5 December 2008 issue:   
 The performance criteria, imposed by the board and which must be satisfied before the settlement of any PSs under this award, are linked to the company’s TSR (total shareholder return) in comparison to the JSE Gold Index (50%) and the JSE Resource Index (50%);
 The following performance criteria were imposed per the Harmony (2006) Share Plan and must be satisfied before the settlement of any SARs:
  • that the company's headline earnings per share have grown since the allocation date by more than the CPI.
 For 16 November 2009 issue:  
 The performance criteria, imposed by the board and which must be satisfied before the settlement of any PSs Shares under this award, are as follows:
  • 50% of the number of shares awarded are to be linked to annual gold production by the company in relation to the targets set annually.
  • 50% of the number of shares awarded are to be linked to the company's TSR in comparison to the South African gold peers.
 The following performance criteria were imposed per the Harmony (2006) Share Plan and must be satisfied before the settlement of any SARs:
  • the company's headline earnings per share should grow, since the allocation date, by more than the CPI.
 For options granted during the year, the following fair values were used as a basis to recognise share-based payment cost:
  • For options measured on 27 November 2009, the value is R44.52 per share for SARs.
  • For options measured on 23 December 2009, the value is R39.26 for SARs.
  • For options measured on 3 May 2010, the value is R38.49 for PS.