Steyn 2

  FY14 FY13 FY12
Number of employees      
– Permanent 0 328 329
– Contractors 30 54 91
Total 30 382 420
Volumes milled (000t) 33 47 38
Gold produced (kg) 392 477 330
Gold produced (oz) 12 603 15 335 10 609
Grade (g/t) 11.88 10.15 7.74
Productivity (g/TEC) 132.25 117.95 63.64
Revenue (Rm) 168 215 125
Average gold price received (R/kg) 427 323 454 767 428 038
Production profit/(loss) (Rm) 61 80 21
Capital expenditure (Rm) 2 4 80
Cash operating cost (R/kg) 263 893 286 067 359 415
All-in sustaining cost (R/kg) 272 956 321 340 648 661
No of fatalities 0 0 0
Lost-time injury frequency rate per million hours worked 19.54 8.37 8.73

Operations were terminated in the third quarter as seismicity threatened the safety of underground workers and caused major damage to mining infrastructure. The mine’s closure came six months earlier than originally planned and was finalised by year-end.