In FY08, Harmony produced 1.55 million ounces of gold, making it one of the worlds largest gold mining companies. The groups operations are located primarily on the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa, encompassing ten underground operations, an open-pit mine and surface operations that encompass four provinces, Gauteng, North West Province, Mpumalanga and the Free State.
In FY08, Harmony announced the formation of Rand Uranium (Pty) Ltd (Rand Uranium), a focused uranium company that will turn to account the substantial uranium-rich material held by the group at its Randfontein operations. Harmony will hold a 40% stake in Rand Uranium, with Pamodzi Resources Fund holding the balance.
Also in FY08, the group announced the Morobe Mining Joint Venture entered into with Newcrest Mining Limited (Newcrest) of Australia, in which Newcrest will earn up to 50% of Harmonys projects in Papua New Guinea (PNG) by contributing a maximum of $525 million in two phases (refer to A new partnership: Harmony and Newcrest in PNG).
Harmonys exploration portfolio is largely focused on highly prospective areas in PNG, including the Wafi-Golpu project, although renewed exploration activity has begun in South Africa.
As at the end of June 2008, the company employed 48 676 people, largely in South Africa, comprising 41 521 full-time employees and 7 155 contractors.
The group’s primary listing is on the JSE Limited (share code: HAR) in South Africa. Harmony’s ordinary shares are also listed on stock exchanges in London (HRM), Paris (HMY) and Berlin (HAM1), and are quoted in the form of American Depositary Receipts on the New York and Nasdaq exchanges (HMY), and as International Depositary Receipts on the Brussels exchange (HG). Harmony's’ shareholders are located around the world, with the largest bases being in South Africa (39%), North America (39%), the United Kingdom (14%) and Switzerland (4%).
* Virginia includes Harmony 2, Merriespruit 1 and 3, Brand and Unisel
** Evander includes Evander 2, 5, 7 and 8 shafts
© Harmony Annual Report 2008