Share capital

 1 200 000 000 (2009: 1 200 000 000) ordinary shares of SA 50 cents each
 10 958 904 (2009: 10 958 904) redeemable convertible preference shares of SA 50 cents each
 428 654 779 (2009: 425 986 836) ordinary shares of SA 50 cents each. All issued shares are fully paid.
 Included in the total of issued shares is an amount of 2 314 shares held by Lydenburg Exploration Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.
 10% of the authorised unissued shares are under the control of the directors until the forthcoming annual general meeting. The Directors’ report and note 34 of the group financial statements set out details in respect of the share option scheme and shares held in trust for employees of the group.
  The directors of the company have a general authority to issue its shares for cash up to a maximum of 5% of the issued share capital in any one financial year. This is in terms of the annual general meeting of shareholders on 23 November 2009 and valid until the forthcoming annual general meeting. The general authority is subject to the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited and the Companies Act no 61 of 1973 of South Africa, as amended.
 Share issues
 2010 Financial year
 On 19 March 2010, Harmony concluded an agreement with AVRD. Refer to note 15 for more detail.
 2009 Financial year
 On 1 December 2008, Harmony issued 3 364 675 shares to Rio Tinto Limited. The Harmony shares were issued to cancel the Rio Tinto royalty rights over Wafi-Golpu in Papua New Guinea. The value of issued shares was R242  million at R71.98 per share.
 Harmony engaged in capital raising by issuing two tranches of shares following the resolution passed by shareholders at the annual general meeting held on 24 November 2008. The first tranche was issued into the open market between 25 November 2008 and 19 December 2008. In this tranche, 10 504 795 Harmony shares were issued at an average subscription price of R93.20, resulting in R979  million before costs being raised. The cost of the issue was R15  million or 1,5% of the value of shares issued.
 A second tranche of shares was issued for cash into the open market between 10 February 2009 and 6 March 2009. This tranche consisted of 7 540 646 Harmony shares at an average subscription price of R124.45, resulting in R938  million before costs being raised. The cost of the issue was R15  million or 1,6% of the value of shares issued. The combined share issue amounts to R1.9 billion or 4,5% of the issued share capital as at 30 September 2008.