Disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued operations

    i)The assets and liabilities relating to the Mount Magnet operation (operation in Western Australia) have been presented as held for sale following the approval of the group's management on 17 May 2010, on which date the formal process was started to find a willing buyer. These operations also met the criteria to be classified as discontinued operations. Consequently, the consolidated income statements, earnings per share and related notes for comparative periods have been re-presented to include income and expenses relating to the Mount Magnet operation in discontinued operations.  
     The conditions precedent for the sale of Mount Magnet assets were fulfilled and the transaction became effective on 20 July 2010. Refer to note 37.  
    ii)The assets and liabilities relating to the Cooke 1, Cooke 2, Cooke 3, Cooke plant and related surface operations (operations in Gauteng province) have been presented as held for sale following the approval by the group’s management on 16 October 2007 to sell these assets to Rand Uranium (Proprietary) Limited (Rand Uranium). These operations were also deemed to be discontinued operations. The two part sale was concluded on 21 November 2008 and 22 April 2009. Refer to note 21.  
     The assets and liabilities for the operations classified as held for sale at the reporting dates are as follows:  
SA rand        US dollar
20092010Figures in million20102009
    Balance sheet  
    Assets of disposal groups classified as held for sale  
226  Property, plant and equipment29
12  Deferred income tax2
7  Inventories1
245  Total assets of disposal groups classified as held for sale32
    Balance sheet  
    Liabilities of disposal groups classified as held for sale  
13  Deferred income tax2
119  Provision for environmental rehabilitation16
3  Trade and other payables
135  Total liabilities of disposal groups classified as held for sale18
    The analysis of the results and cash flows of discontinued operations disclosed in the tables below:  
    Income statement  
614  Revenue69
216  Reversal of impairment (a)28
(876)(33)  Expenses – net(4)(103)
1 786  Profit on sale of shares171
181  Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment2
1 758(32)  (Loss)/profit from discontinued operations before tax(4)167
(736)  Taxation(72)
1 022(32)  (Loss)/profit for the year from discontinued operations(4)95
    Cash flows  
141(48)  Operating cash flows(6)8
2 0761  Investing cash flows202
(2)2  Foreign exchange translation adjustment77
2 215(45)  Total cash flows(6)287
     (a)Mount Magnet was previously classified as held for sale for a period until June 2009.  
      On ceasing to be classified as held for sale, the carrying value was re-measured as per IFRS 5 (see note 2.11) and depreciation amounting to R219 million (US$28 million) was recorded in 2009. This also led to the recording of a reversal of impairment of R216 million (US$28 million).