Subsequent events

 Sale of Mount Magnet
 On 20 July 2010, the group concluded an agreement with Ramelius Resources Limited to sell its 100% share in Mount Magnet Gold NL (Mount Magnet) for a total consideration of R269 million (US$35 million). The group recognised a profit of R138 million (US$18.4 million). Refer to note 14 in this regard.
 On 13 August 2010, the board of directors approved a final dividend for the 2010 financial year of 50 SA cents per share. The total dividend amounts to R214 million. As this dividend was declared after the reporting date, it has not been reflected in the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2010. The dividend was paid on 20 September 2010.
 Merriespruit South region and Freegold option
 On 3 September 2010, Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (Harmony) concluded two transactions with Witwatersrand Consolidated Gold Resources Limited (Wits Gold), in which Wits Gold will obtain a prospecting right over Harmony's Merriespruit South area and the option held by ARMGold/Harmony Freegold Joint Venture Company (Proprietary) Limited (Freegold), a wholly owned subsidiary of Harmony. The option was to acquire a beneficial interest of up to 40% in any future mines established by Wits Gold on certain properties in the Southern Free State (Freegold option), which will be cancelled. Harmony will abandon a portion of its mining right in respect of the Merriespruit South area to enable Wits Gold to include this area in its prospecting right, which is located immediately south of the Merriespruit South area.
 The total consideration was R336 million (US$47 million), (R61 million (US$9 million) for the prospecting area and R275 million (US$38 million) for the cancellation of the option agreement), which will be settled in cash or in a combination of cash and shares in Wits Gold, when all remaining conditions precedent to the transaction have been fulfilled.
 Evander 6 and Twistdraai
 On 10 September 2010, Harmony concluded a sale of assets agreement with Taung Gold Limited (Taung), in which Taung acquired the Evander 6 shaft, the related infrastruture and surface right permits as well as a mining right over the Evander 6 and Twistdraai areas. The total purchase consideration is R225 million (US$29 million at 30 June 2010 exhange rate), which will be settled in cash when all remaining conditions precedent to the transaction have been fulfilled.
 Closure of Merriespruit 1
 On 4 October 2010, the decision was made to finally close Merriespruit 1 shaft, under the Section 189 (of the Labour Relations Act) already in place. The closure was postponed in terms of an agreement reached with organised labour to keep the shaft open while it remained profitable.