Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010

Key statistics 2010

Operating and financial

Operating performance FY102009
Ore milled000t17 96317 888
- Underground000t8 5199 021
- Surface000t9 4448 867
Gold produced(1) kg44 43345 437
 000oz1 4291 461
– Undergroundkg38 79941 871
 000oz1 2481 346
– Surface kg5 6343 566
Operating costR/kg195 162168 661
– Undergroundg/t4.544.64
– Surfaceg/t0.440.40
Financial performance
RevenueR million11 28411 496
 US$ million1 4891 277
Production costsR million8 3587 657
 US$ million1 103850
Cash operating profitR million2 9263 839
 US$ million386427
Operating margin%2633
Net (loss)/profit for the year(2)R million(192)2 927
 US$ million(24)311
Total basic (loss)/earnings per share(2)SA cents(46)707
 US cents(6)75
Total headline (loss)/earnings per share(2)SA cents(7)262
 US cents(1)29
Capital expenditureR million3 3534 382
 US$ million442487
Market performance
Average gold price receivedR/kg266 009250 826
 US$/oz1 092867
R/US$ exchange rate (average for period)US$/oz7.589.00
R/US$ exchange rate – at end of the periodUS$/oz7.637.72

(1) 1 588 kilograms (51 046 ounces) capitalised.

(2) Includes discontinued operations.

Note: All statistics are for continuing operations unless otherwise stated.


Operating performance FY10FY09
Total payments to employeesR million4 9125 261
Dividends paid to shareholdersR million213
Payments made to government( taxation and royalties)(2)R million1161 335
Equity ownership in the company by HDSAs%3636
BBBEE procurement expenditure in South AfricaR million2 0363 190
Occupational health and safety
South AfricaPer 200 000 hours worked0.040.04
– PNGPer 200 000 hours worked0.040
South AfricaPer 200 000 hours worked1.541.87
– PNGPer 200 000 hours worked0.140.02
– South AfricaPer 200 000 hours worked0.210.21
– PNGPer 200 000 hours worked0.200
– South AfricaPer 200 000 hours worked7.739.35
– PNGPer 200 000 hours worked0.700.20
South Africa  
Shifts lost as a result of occupational illness and injury 27 25433 432
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) cases identifiedPer 1 000 employees1210
Silicosis cases identifiedPer 1 000 employees2511
Total number of new TB cases reportedPer 100 000 employees3 6383 628
Number of people on HAART 3 2264 255
Number of employees and contractors  
– Total 42 59745 685
– South Africa 40 11942 278
– PNG 2 4783 497
South Africa  
– Corporate social responsibility (CSR) projectsR million23.116.9
– Local economic development (LED)R million58.810.7
Total energy usage  
– South Africa000MWh3 6593 434
– PNG000MWh105NR
Total CO2 emissions  
– South Africa000t CO2e4 4034 183
– PNG000t CO2e12844
Total amount of water used for primary activities  
– South Africa000m344 33932 971
– PNG s000m31 8431 312
Total cyanide usage  
– South Africat7 8846 304
– PNGt3 429NR
Provisions allocated for rehabilitation and closure  
– South AfricaR million1 9871 597
– PNGUS$ million53

(2) Excludes value-added tax/general sales tax
NR= not reported