SA rand
Figures in million20102009


Related parties

 In addition to the transactions disclosed below, the company concluded the following transactions with related parties:  
    – Pamodzi – Refer to note 8  
    – AVRD – Refer to note 15  
 Sales and services rendered to related parties  
 Direct associates13
 Indirect associates69218
 Direct subsidiaries9 2728 087
 Indirect subsidiaries404347
 Total sales and services rendered to related parties9 7458 665
  Purchases and services acquired from related parties  
 Indirect associates226
 Outstanding balances due by related parties  
 Direct associates (a)7
 Indirect associates2558
 Direct subsidiaries4 4374 361
 Total outstanding balances by related parties4 4694 419
 Outstanding balances due to related parties  
 Direct associates (b)27
 Direct subsidiaries296500
 Indirect subsidiaries444427
 Total outstanding balances to related parties767927
(a)This amount has been included under trade and other receivables. Refer note 17(a).
(b)This amount relates to the acquisition of the President Steyn assets from Pamodzi FS and is payable when certain conditions are fulfilled. The balance has been classified as current as there is no fixed payment date.
 The loans are unsecured and interest-free, with the exception of the loan to Pamodzi.
  Annexure A contains a full list of the loans to and from subsidiaries. Refer to note 14 for details of provisions made against these loans.