SA rand
Figures in million20102009


Cash generated by operations

 Reconciliation of (loss)/profit before taxation to cash generated by operations:  
 (Loss)/profit before taxation(408)277
 Adjustments for:  
 Amortisation and depreciation283363
 Impairment of assets24852
 Profit on sale of mining assets(2)(1)
 Net increase in provision for post retirement benefits12
 Net increase/(decrease) in provision for environmental rehabilitation35(46)
 Impairment of investment in associate145
 Impairment of investments in subsidiaries17
 Share-based payments3822
 Net gain on financial instruments(7)
 Loss on sale of investment in associate1
 Interest received(117)(211)
 Dividends received(84)
 Interest paid106355
 Provision for doubtful debts475217
  Bad debts written-off107
 Other non cash transactions5(12)
 Effect of changes in operating working capital items:  
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities9339
 Cash generated by operations5471 248
 Additional cash flow information
 The income and mining taxes paid in the statement of cash flow represents actual cash paid less refunds received
 Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries/businesses and assets:
 For the financial year ended June 2010
 (a)Acquisition of President Steyn assets
  On 18 February 2010, the company concluded the acquisition of the Pamodzi FS assets for a total consideration of R280 million of which R180 million was attributed to property, plant and equipment and R100 million to inventories.
  The principal non-cash transactions for the year were the issue of shares for the acquisition of 26% share of the mining titles of Doornkop South Reef from AVRD (refer to note 15), the capitalisation of the Harmony Australia intercompany loan (refer to note 14(b)) and the share based-payments (refer to note 19).
 For the financial year ended June 2009
 (a)Disposal of Village Reef Gold Mining Company (Village)
   On 10 July 2008, the company disposed of its 37.8% interest in Village to To the Point Growth Specialists Investments 2 (Pty) Ltd, for a consideration of R1.1 million. The investment in Village as at 30 June 2008 had a fair value of R0.7 million
  The principal non-cash transactions for the year were the issue of shares to Rio Tinto for the acquisition of the Wafi Royalty on behalf of Harmony Australia (refer to note 18), the capitalisation of the Harmony Australia intercompany loan (refer to note 14(b)) and share-based payments (refer to note 19).