Sustainable Development Report 2010 Sustainable Development Report 2010

Harmony identified some of its most material
sustainability issues to be included in this year’s
Sustainable Development Report. This process was
undertaken discipline-by-discipline during a
workshop process and as a result of feedback
gathered by the discipline heads through their
ongoing interaction and discourse with stakeholders.

Harmony’s approach to sustainability reporting

Among our principal responsibilities to our shareholders is the need to operate our mines in South Africa and Papua New Guinea (PNG) profitably. Our target in this respect is to run our operations so as to develop the cash flows needed to pay dividends and to finance sustainable organic or acquisition growth.


During this past financial year Harmony embarked on a significant step by adopting an integrated approach to the reporting of its annual performance as well as of its sustainable development. Its development has been an evolutionary process over the past few years, but the principle of integrated reporting provides a holistic view of the effects of the material issues that affect our performance and our bottom line.



Certain key indicators that have been assured by PriceWaterhouseCoopers are indicated by this symbol.

GRI content index

Harmony is supportive of the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G3 reporting guidelines and has self-declared a B+ level of reporting.

Contact us

For further information on our sustainability reporting, please contact:

Belinda Stevens
Telephone: +27 11 411 2023,

Governance of sustainability

Harmony has a solid governance structure and has put measures in place to ensure compliance with legislation and regulations in the countries in which it operates and in line with the stock exchanges on which the company is listed.


Economic sustainability

Harmony is a significant role-player in global gold markets, in the South African economy and in the economies of the provinces in which it operates.

CASE STUDY: A safe, profitable and long-term future at Kusasalethu

On 23 February 2010, after more than 30 years of production, Harmony's Elandsrand mine shifted its attention to the future.



Regrettably, 22 employees lost their lives in mine-related incidents in FY10 (FY09: 22). A total of 21 of these fatalities were at the South African operations and one in PNG.

CASE STUDY: Target: whistling its way to a safer working environment

The tragic loss of two employees as a result of a gravity-related FOG accident, inspired renewed and determined focus at Target on FOG accident prevention.


Occupational health and employee well-being

Harmony values the health and wellbeing of all its employees and of the communities affected by its activities and the company is committed to the prevention of all illnesses – not only occupational but others such as HIV and malaria.

CASE STUDY: Using technology in the fight against TB

Harmony is committed to reducing TB infections and subsequent fatalities amongst the employees at its operations.


Working with our communities

Harmony’s recognition of its role as part of the communities in which it operates and from which it draws its employees ensures the company’s responsibility to the sustainable socio-economic development and wellbeing of these communities.

PNG coffee industry gets a kick

In a bid to revive enthusiasm for coffee growing, the Morobe Mining Joint Ventures, recently offered a three-week coffee training programme to local communities.


Labour practices and human rights

An integral part of line management at Harmony’s operations, the management of people is guided by group policies and a central human resources and employee relations function

CASE STUDY: Hidden Valley finds opportunities for Morobe locals

Fiona Asok and Jason Lengeto are both employees at the Hidden Valley gold mining project in the Morobe province of Papua New Guinea. Both Fiona and Jason grew up in the local community.


Product responsibility

The product responsibility performance indicators address the effects of the company’s products and services management on customers.


Environmental performance

Harmony recognises the impact of its business on the surrounding communities and natural environments and that these may affect the long-term sustainability of its business
