Sustainable Development Report 2010 Sustainable Development Report 2010

Harmony’s objective is to eliminate all work-related injuries. Each operation is monitored on a monthly basis using a formal review system per operation, and a review of the major safety issues is carried out annually during the Health and Safety Workshop. Safety performance is a parameter in all management and employee incentive schemes.


Material economic indicators

There are two primary material issues in respect of employee and community safety for Harmony, namely:

  • The elimination of accidents, through the management of risk and by ensuring the appropriate structures, systems and training are in place
  • Addressing the issue of illegal miners in South Africa.

See the section on Harmony's approach to sustainability reporting to find out how we identified our material issues.


The provision of safe and healthy workplaces remains a key priority for Harmony, as does the elimination of all workplace injuries and work-related ill health effects, and has been an important area of focus during the year. Further, Harmony is concerned that the activities of the illegal miners at its Free State operations, may have adverse safety and health implications, both for its own employees and for the illegal miners themselves.

Oversight of safety performance and high-level setting of targets is undertaken by the Sustainable Development Committee, a committee of the board. (See the section on Governance of sustainability. Appropriate structures and systems are in place both in South Africa and in PNG to address safety and health and employee well-being.)

Regrettably, 22 employees lost their lives in mine-related incidents in FY10 (FY09: 22). A total of 21 of these fatalities were at the South African operations and one in PNG. The board and management extend their condolences to the families and colleagues of those who lost their lives. Their names and details are recorded below.

PwC assured

This indicator has been assured by PwC

Total number of fatalities in South Africa in FY10: 21.

In memoriam

Harmony pays tribute to those who lost their lives at work in FY10
Date of fatal accidentOperationFull name of individualTown and country of residenceOccupation
3 July 2009PhakisaTokelo MalibaLipelaneng, Butha Buthe, LesothoLoader driver
7 July 2009UniselJan Thabiso BelekwaneTheunissen, Free State Province, South AfricaLoco driver
07 July 2009UniselJustinus LekekaTeya Teyaneng, LesothoLoco driver
11July 2009Masimong 5Letsema HlaeliLeribe, LesothoTeam leader
21 July 2009UniselSimiao Alexandre BilaMaputo, MozambiqueMiner
24 July 2009WinkelhaakBoy SikobiPort Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaRock drill operator
11 August 2009KusasalethuSamuel Elliot TsabedzeManzini, SwazilandTeam leader
24 August 2009Doornkop PlantClement RantjelebaneMohaleshoek, LesothoEngineering foreman
11 October 2009BambananiLekhetho RankoBerea, LesothoTeam leader
26 October 2009TargetAshley NortjeOdendaalsrus, Free State Province, South AfricaBoilermaker
26 October 2009TargetKeith ColemanWelkom, Free State Province, South AfricaMaintenance technician
27 November 2009Merriespruit 3Lebusa EliaQuthing, LesothoTeam leader
14 February 2010PNGSamson SalwanLae, Papua New GuineaVehicle driver
10 March 2010Evander 8Matome MothleleTzaneen, Limpopo, South AfricaWinch driver
17 March 2010TshepongPaseka LechakaMohaleshoek, LesothoLoader operator
17 March 2010PhakisaVuyo MaliKing Williams Town, Eastern Cape Province, South AfricaDev team leader
25 March 2010Merriespruit 1Mamayo BanganiStutterheim, Eastern Cape Province, South AfricaWinch driver
8 April 2010DoornkopJose MuhaveInhambane, MozambiqueBoilermaker assistant
3 May 2010JoelVolakhe BezenaLibode, Eastern Cape Province, South AfricaRock drill operator
27 November 2009KusasalethuMartin ThosaMaseru, LesothoMiner
12 June 2010Tshepong Albert Thekiso LebetsaMohaleshoek, LesothoRock drill operator
19 Jun 2010PhakisaBokang MaritiWelkom, Free State Province, South AfricaMiner's assistant

Safety in South Africa

Management approach

Safety management is a line management responsibility, supported by corporate safety and health personnel and undertaken within the framework of a co-operative health and safety management system. This system involves the active participation of management, unions and representatives of the DMR at all levels, and is aligned with the Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA). The strategy is guided by an Occupational Health and Safety Policy (PDF - 104KB).

The chief executive officer (CEO) and chief operating officers (COOs) are responsible for safety strategy and management at Harmony’s operations. They then, in turn, delegate responsibility to the relevant general and plant managers for implementation and monitoring.

Harmony’s objective is to eliminate all work-related injuries. Each operation is monitored on a monthly basis using a formal review system per operation, and a review of the major safety issues is carried out annually during the Health and Safety Workshop. Safety performance is a parameter in all management and employee incentive schemes.

Health and safety committees are in place at all operations as required by the MHSA. These are made up of management and elected employee representatives, and ensure employees’ active participation in safety and health management through the appointment of full-time health and safety stewards and health and safety representatives. All safety representatives received additional training, in line with the revisions made by the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA). There were 52 full-time health and safety stewards in place at the South African operations in FY10. The health and safety committees meet monthly to examine employee health and safety issues. This is reinforced by the formal health and safety agreements in place at all operations to deal with similar issues.

A total of 190 occupational health and safety personnel were trained as OHSAS 18001 lead auditors in FY10. The OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 standards have also been adopted and a gap analysis will be completed in FY11 to determine whether these two standards can be implemented on an integrated basis.

A key event in the safety calendar at Harmony is the annual Health and Safety Strategic Workshop. This year’s workshop was held in June 2010 with participation by executives and management teams. Various safety management aspects were identified to be implemented in FY11 and monitored on a quarterly basis. The main safety points include:

  1. fall of ground prevention;
  2. trucks and tramming;
  3. occupational health and hygiene;
  4. metallurgical plants; and
  5. environmental management/occupational health and safety management systems.

Safety management and performance targets have been set in compliance with Harmony’s 2013 safety milestones and are included in the performance parameters at each operation. The 2013 milestone is a fatality rate of 0.03 per million hours worked. This milestone was set by the CEOs of all mining companies and the Mine Health and Safety Council during the 2003 industry safety summit.

Safety performance

The fatal injury frequency rate (FIFR) remained unchanged year-on-year at 0.21, while the lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) improved further by 17% to 7.73 (FY09: 9.35), a pleasing achievement. Harmony’s reportable injury frequency rate (RIFR) improved by 16% to 4.19 compared to the previous year (FY09: 4.97). The all injury frequency rate (AIFR) improved by 9% to 17.05 per million hours worked (FY09: 18.73).

PwC assured

This indicator has been assured by PwC

Lost time injury frequency rate in South Africa: 7.73 per million hours worked.

A total of 27 254 shifts were lost as a result of occupational injury, a 19% reduction on the previous year (FY09: 33 435). This is significant as shifts lost provide a useful indication of the severity of occupational injuries. (The company allocates 90 shifts lost for each fatality.)

PwC assured

This indicator has been assured by PwC

Shifts lost due to accidents and illness in South Africa in FY10: 27 254.

The six top primary causes of fatal accidents in FY10 were gravity-related falls of ground (56%), trucks and tramming (14%), seismic falls of ground (10%), over-exertion* (10%), scraper winches (5%), and conveyer belt incidents (5%). In FY09, falls of ground were responsible for 41% of fatal accidents, 27% of which were gravity-related and 14% of which were seismic accidents. (*The over-exertion autopsy ruling is highly irregular and relates to the death of two employees who entered clearly sign posted and walled-off areas that were unventilated. The employees are suspected of having been engaged in illegal mining activities).

South Africa: Fatalities


South Africa: FIFR
(per million hours worked)

South Africa: LTIFR
(per million hours worked)


South Africa: AIFR
(per million hours worked)

South AfricaLTIFR FIFR
Virginia and BUSH operations 12.8612.380.360.06
Masimong7.378.67 0.130.27
Target3.439.66 0.400.40
Bambanani9.207.48 0.140.15
Tshepong12.2215.82 0.180.62
Joel4.262.59 0.300.00
Phakisa/Nyala8.409.19 0.540.00
Evander7.4110.39 0.200.16
Doornkop5.506.25 0.270.00
Kusasalethu6.8812.67 0.140.36
Asset Management Forum9.832.92 0.001.46
South Met1.585.52 0.000.34
North Met5.887.24 0.530.00
Total Harmony SA7.739.350.210.21

South Africa: Shifts lost as a result of occupational injury


South Africa: Top six primary causes of lost time injuries (LTIs) in FY10

South Africa: Shifts lost as a result of section 54 stoppages


South Africa: Number of section 54 stoppages

The DMR has been vigilant in its approach to ensure compliance with safety legislation. It has in some instances, however, imposed stoppages for minor administrative reasons which negatively affected production and could have been resolved either immediately or in a short space of time. Harmony is working closely with the DMR to resolve these issues, so to minimise safety stoppages, and to ensure that all safety standards are adhered to and implemented at all its operations.

Harmony’s aim continues to be the achievement of safe, profitable ounces. In FY10, management ensured that a safety culture continued to be instilled at all operations through the implementation of behaviour-based safety programmes.

The following operations completed FY10 without injury:

  • Evander workshops
  • Joel plant (operational for seven months)

The following operations completed FY10 without any lost time injury:

  • Kalgold pit
  • Joel plant (operational for seven months)
  • Harmony plant
  • Evander workshops and services
  • Free State and Randfontein commercial services and transport

Safety in PNG

Management approach

The Harmony South East Asia Executive Committee (Exco) oversees safety performance at Hidden Valley in PNG. As safety management is a line management responsibility, there are safety managers at each operation who report to the operations/exploration steering group committees who then report to Exco. Safety strategy is guided by the company’s Health and Safety Policy Statement (PDF 104KB).

Harmony is developing a sustainable business management system (SBMS) within MMJV which is aligned to the AS 4801:2001, an occupational health and safety management system. The SBMS will be externally audited every two to three years against this safety management standard.

Harmony is moving towards a performance measurement system based on organisational and individual performance in which safety will be measured. Business performance indicators are being developed and will be in place by FY11.

Risk assessments are conducted at site level in the form of work safety and environmental analyses to ensure that each job is completed in a safe and efficient manner. The identification and management of hazards in the workplace is important for the improvement of safety performance and has been a key focus at MMJV in FY10.

A business, production and safety improvement programme was developed in FY10 based on the Newcrest Mining Six – Sigma Lean Programme and is designed to actively involve management in continually improving and meeting targets in all aspects of the business, especially safety. Among the focal points of this programme are daily meetings at which all managers and other senior staff are updated on activities across the site for the previous 24 hours. This update reviews any safety-related issues, including significant potential incidents, injuries and other incidents that occurred in that period.

The work system wheel (WSW) was introduced across the MMJV operations in early 2010 with the aim of developing a controlled and safe work environment. The WSW is a graphical representation – a version of which has been translated into Pidgin – which highlights the four elements required to ensure safe production: controlled work environment, trained and competent people, fit for purpose equipment and safe work practices. This concept encourages everyone to ensure the four elements are in place at all times. The objective is to expand the model across all management levels in addition to the mines.

Safety performance

(per million hours worked)


(per million hours worked)

(per million hours worked)


PNG: Shifts lost as a result of occupational injury


The FIFR increased to 0.2 (FY09: 0), as did the LTIFR year-on-year to 0.7 (FY09: 0.1). Harmony PNG’s AIFR also increased by 15% to 37.4 per million hours worked (FY09: 32.5).

Safety performance in FY10 was marred by one fatality. Samson Salwan lost his life in a vehicle accident on the road between Bulolo and the mine on 14 February 2010. The board and management regret this incident and extend their condolences to Samson’s family and colleagues.

After a review of incidents at the Hidden Valley mine over a 12-month period which identified a general failure in safety practices, poor contractor vehicle maintenance practices, and poor driver competency, management carried out a safety management plan review with all contractors. Specific safety key performance indicators were developed for each contractor as per the requirements of the PNG Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) and these will be monitored on a monthly basis by the various safety managers in FY11.

In addition, various safety-related training courses were held at MMJV in FY10, ranging from internal basic first aid to courses conducted by the National Safety Council of Australia.

Dealing with illegal miners in South Africa

A critical issue at Harmony’s Free State operations has been that of illegal miners who put themselves as well as company employees at risk. Harmony does everything reasonably practicable to proactively address illegal mining activities, which in FY10 included liaising with the DMR, the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Department of Justice, private security companies and the affected communities. Further tripartite negotiations and investigations initiated by the Minister of Mineral Resources are currently under way in this regard. The company also communicates regularly with employees across the board on the effects of illegal mining. In FY10, Harmony’s close working relationship with the unions assisted in the implementation of a ‘food ban’ at the Free State operations with the aim of controlling illegal mining. Access control measures have also been upgraded at Harmony operations with regular security underground surveys implemented to curb illegal mining activities.