The provision of safe and healthy workplaces remains a key priority for Harmony, as does the elimination of all workplace injuries and work-related ill health effects, and has been an important area of focus during the year. Continue...
The tragic loss of two employees in October 2009, as a result of a gravity-related FOG accident, inspired renewed and determined focus at Target on FOG accident prevention.
Harmony values the health and wellbeing of all its employees and of the communities affected by its activities and the company is committed to the prevention of all illnesses – not only occupational but others such as HIV and malaria. Continue...
South Africa is home to the fourth largest epidemic of tuberculosis in the world after India, China and Indonesia, with its already high infection rate exacerbated by the prevalence of HIV in the country.
An integral part of line management at Harmony’s operations, the management of people is guided by group policies and a central human resources and employee relations function. Continue...
Fiona Asok and Jason Lengeto are both employees at the Hidden Valley gold mining project in the Morobe province of Papua New Guinea. Both Fiona and Jason grew up in the local community.
Harmony’s recognition of its role as part of the communities in which it operates and from which it draws its employees ensures the company’s responsibility to the sustainable socio-economic development and wellbeing of these communities. Continue...
In a bid to revive enthusiasm for coffee growing, the Morobe Mining Joint Ventures (MMJV),recently offered a three-week coffee training programme to local communities.
Gold is a benign product with no significant health or safety impacts. Mining activities, however, have the potential to negatively affect the health and safety of employees, communities and the environment. Continue...