Glossary of terms and acronyms
- Adult Basic Education and Training, aimed at improving literacy levels and providing learners with nationally recognised qualifications.
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a disease of the immune system caused by HIV infection. HIV & AIDS pose serious challenges for the government and the industry, as South Africa is one the countries worst affected by the pandemic.
- Acid rock drainage referring to the outflow of acidic water formed as a result of mining activity and the egress of water following contact with certain types of orebodies and host rock.
- A collaborative research project between Mintek (a South African research company in the metallurgical field) and the South African gold mining industry.
- Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment, a socio-economic process that contributes to the economic transformation of the country and increases the number of HDSAs (historically disadvantaged South Africans) participating in the economy
- CD4
- Indication of the strength of a body’s immune system
- Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent not-for-profit organisation which acts as an intermediary between shareholders and corporations on all climate change related issues, providing primary climate change data from the world’s largest corporations, to the global market place.
- CO2 emissions
- Total CO2 emissions are calculated from direct emissions generated from petrol and diesel consumption and indirect emissions generated from electricity consumption and expressed in tonnes.
- Corporate social responsibility
- Cyanide Code
- International Cyanide Management Code for the Manufacture, Transport and use of Cyanide in the production of Gold. The aim of the code is to promote responsible management of cyanide used in gold mining, to enhance the protection of human health and to reduce the potential for environmental impacts.
- Cyanide usage
- Cyanide used for gold extraction calculated at 100% concentration.
- Department of Mineral Resources, (formerly DME), South Africa
- Demand-side management
- Department of Trade and Industry, South Africa
- Environmental management plan
- Energy consumption
- Energy use calculated from electricity purchased and diesel and petrol consumed during the reporting period.
- Fatal injury frequency rate, the number of fatal injuries per million man hours worked.
- Fresh water usage
- Total new or make-up water entering the operation and used for the operation’s primary activities which include those activities in which the operation engages to produce their product and includes dust suppression within the operational area.
- Greenhouse gas
- Global Reporting Initiative is a multi-stakeholder governed institution collaborating to provide the global standards in sustainability reporting. These standards set out the principles and indicators that organisations can use to measure and report their economic, environmental, and social performance.
- Highly active anti-retroviral therapy
- Historically disadvantaged South Africans - all persons and groups who have been previously discriminated against on the basis of race, gender and disability as defined by the MPRDA.
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which causes AIDS by infecting the helper T-cells of the immune system and is transmitted through blood or bodily secretions.
- HPDs
- Hearing protection devices
- Integrated development plans provided for by the Local Government Municipal Systems Act (No. 32 of 2000).
- International Labour Organization
- ISO 14001
- Published in 1996 by the International Organisation for Environmental Standardisation, it specifies the actual requirements for an environmental management system (EMS).
- JSE Limited
- King II
- King II is the abbreviated name for the King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa published in 2002 in South Africa.
- King III
- King III is the abbreviated name for the King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa published in 2010 in South Africa.
- KPIs
- Key performance indicators
- Local economic development
- Lost time injury frequency rate per million hours, refers to work- related injuries which result in the employee being unable to attend work on the day following the day of the injury.
- Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases
- Mining Charter
- The Broad-Based Social-Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African mining industry. The goal of the charter is to bring about an industry that reflects the promise of a non-racial South Africa.
- Mine Health and Safety Act (No. 29 of 1996)
- Morobe Mining Joint Venture
- Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (No. 28 0f 2002)
- Mining Qualifications Authority, a Sector Education Training Authority for the mining and minerals sector whose mission is to facilitate and promote human resources development in the sector.
- MWh
- Megawatt hours, a unit of energy
- NGOs
- Non-governmental organisations
- Noise induced hearing loss reported as the number of new cases identified and submitted for compensation during the reporting period.
- National Union of Mineworkers, the largest collective bargaining agent representing workers in the mining, energy and construction industries in South Africa.
- Occupational lung disease
- Papua New Guinea
- PwC
- PricewaterhouseCoopers, independent auditors
- Reportable injury frequency rate, per million hours worked.
- South African Police Service
- Securities and Exchange Commission, USA
- Mining Sector Education Training Authority, South Africa
- Significant incidents
- Incidents that have a considerable impact outside the company boundaries which may cause irreparable harm or require significant expenditure to remediate.
- Silicosis
- Silicosis reported as the number of new cases diagnosed and compensated amongst employees during the reporting period.
- SLPs
- Social and labour plans aimed at promoting employment and advancement of the social and economic welfare of all South Africans whilst ensuring economic growth and socio-economic development as stipulated in the MPRDA.
- SOx
- Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 designed to improve quality and transparency in financial reporting, independent audits and accounting services for public companies, to create a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, to enhance the standard-setting process for accounting practices, to strengthen the independence of firms that audit public companies, to increase corporate responsibility and the usefulness of corporate financial disclosure, to protect the objectivity and independence of securities analysts, to improve Securities and Exchange Commission resources and oversight and for other purposes.
- TB
- Pulmonary tuberculosis reported as the number of new cases of cardio-pulmonary and non cardio-pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed during the reporting period.
- United Association of South Africa
- Voluntary counselling and testing, a programme aimed at encouraging voluntary HIV testing in order for individuals to know their status.
- World Health Organization